DAVIC, Digital Audio Video Council, was founded in 1994 with the aim of promoting the success of interactive digital audio-visual applications and services by promulgating specifications of open interfaces and protocols that maximise interoperability, not only across geographical boundaries but also across diverse applications, services and industries. It was a non-profit international organization based in Switzerland.
DAVIC was closed, according to its statutes, after 5 years of activity.
At the most DAVIC had 222 companies from more than 25 countries as members, although over its life 295 organisations were members at some stage. It represented all sectors of the audio-visual industry: manufacturing and service, as well as a number of government agencies and research organisations.
The four major sets of specifications culminated in 1999 with the 1.4 version. The 1.5 version of DAVIC was a set of additional tools and service definitions opening the road towards the setting of IP based audiovisual services such as the TV Anytime and TV Anywhere services. Version 1.3.1 was re-structured and was approved as an ISO/IEC standard and technical report.
The management of DAVIC had proposed the continuation beyond the 5-year date with a program of work centred on two projects: TV Anytime and TV Anywhere. The membership did not support the continuation of DAVIC but the idea of TV-Anytime continued as a new organisation.

1.4.1 specifications