
Dārzciems is a neighborhood of Riga located in the Latgale suburb in the southeastern part of the right bank of the Daugava river. Directly translated from Latvian, it means "Garden village". With a population of about 21,000 inhabitants in 2010, Dārzciems's territory covers and is one of the driest parts of Riga. The western part of Dārzciema mainly consists of one-or two-story private buildings, while the northwestern part is dominated by multi-storied housing blocks. During the Soviet era Dārzciems was a well-known department store.
Territory of neighborhood was added to Riga in 1924 and it was planned to develop it as a garden city with small private houses and gardens around them. During 1970s part of the old private houses was demolished and several 3 to 9 storey apartment blocks was built for the needs of Red army officers. Later also several big industrial enterprises built apartments fot their workers there.
