Curridabat (canton)

Curridabat is the 18th canton in the province of San José in Costa Rica. The canton covers an area of, and has a population of 72,564. The capital city of the canton is also called Curridabat.
The canton forms a suburb of the national capital of San José, lying on the southeast edge of the city.


The city is located southeast of the city of San José and its limits are:
The canton of Curridabat is subdivided into four districts :


The canton was established by law on August 21, 1929.
In 1930 the canton had a municipality with three regidores, a Major and Jefe político. At this time the canton's population were 5,000 people, but with the time and the population grew and the municipality had to create a sanitation department to collect garbage, road, sidewalk maintenance and built some infrastructure. Then the municipality Council was expanded to five members by popular election in 1970.

Points of interest