Cunningham County

Cunningham County is one of the 141 Cadastral divisions of New South Wales. It is located to the north of the Lachlan River near Condobolin.
Cunningham County was named in honour of the botanist and explorer Allan Cunningham.

Parishes within this county

A full list of parishes found within this county; their current LGA and mapping coordinates to the approximate centre of each location is as follows:
BarattaLachlan Shire Council
BedgerebongForbes Shire Council
BerewombeniaForbes Shire Council
BimbellaLachlan Shire Council
BomobbinForbes Shire Council
Boona EastLachlan Shire Council
Boona WestLachlan Shire Council
BotfieldsParkes Shire Council
BundaburraLachlan Shire Council
BurrawongForbes Shire Council
ByongParkes Shire Council
CarroboblinParkes Shire Council
CondobolinLachlan Shire Council
Cookeys PlainsParkes Shire Council
CorellaLachlan Shire Council
CorridgeryForbes Shire Council
DerriwongLachlan Shire Council
DulhuntyParkes Shire Council
EllerslieLachlan Shire Council
ElsmoreLachlan Shire Council
Emu PlainsLachlan Shire Council
GillenbineLachlan Shire Council
GindoonoLachlan Shire Council
GoobangForbes Shire Council
GreenockLachlan Shire Council
GulgoLachlan Shire Council
GunningParkes Shire Council
GunningblandParkes Shire Council
JerulaLachlan Shire Council
JulanderyLachlan Shire Council
KalingaLachlan Shire Council
KarsParkes Shire Council
KiargathurLachlan Shire Council
MamreLachlan Shire Council
MelroseLachlan Shire Council
MicabilLachlan Shire Council
MilposeParkes Shire Council
MonomieParkes Shire Council
MonwongaForbes Shire Council
Mount NobbyLachlan Shire Council
MowablaLachlan Shire Council
MulguthrieForbes Shire Council
MurdaLachlan Shire Council
MurgaLachlan Shire Council
MurrumbogieLachlan Shire Council
Oxley NorthLachlan Shire Council
Oxley SouthLachlan Shire Council
PalisthanLachlan Shire Council
PlevnaParkes Shire Council
SebastopolLachlan Shire Council
TarattaLachlan Shire Council
TindaLachlan Shire Council
TollingoLachlan Shire Council
TrundleParkes Shire Council
WalkerLachlan Shire Council
WicklowLachlan Shire Council
WillamaLachlan Shire Council
WollongongLachlan Shire Council
YarrabandaiForbes Shire Council