Craft (manga magazine)
Craft is a quarterly Japanese yaoi manga magazine published by Taiyō Tosho. A number of works published in this magazine have been licensed in English, mostly by Digital Manga Publishing.Licensed titles published in ''Craft''
- Butterfly of the Distant Day, Tooko Miyagi
- The Day I Become a Butterfly, Sumomo Yumeka
- I Give to You, Maki Ebishi
- Il gatto sul G, Tooko Miyagi
- Kiss Blue, Keiko Kinoshita
- New Beginnings, Kotetsuko Yamamoto
- No Touching At All, Kou Yoneda
- The Paradise on the Hill, Momoko Tenzen
- Same Cell Organism, Sumomo Yumeka
- Seven Days, Rihito Takarai and Venio Tachibana
- You and Harujion, Keiko Kinoshita