Coussareeae is a tribe of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae and contains 407 species in 10 genera. The former tribe Coccocypseleae Bremek., consisting of Coccocypselum, Declieuxia, and Hindsia, is considered part of Coussareeae. Its representatives are found in Central and South America.Genera
Currently accepted names
- Bradea Standl.
- Coccocypselum P.Browne
- Coussarea Aubl.
- Cruckshanksia Hook. & Arn.
- Declieuxia Kunth
- Faramea Aubl.
- Heterophyllaea Hook.f.
- Hindsia Benth. ex Lindl.
- Oreopolus Schltdl.
- Standleya Brade
- Antoniana Tussac = Faramea
- Bellardia Schreb. = Coccocypselum
- Billardiera Vahl = Coussarea
- Cococipsilum J.St.-Hil. = Coccocypselum
- Condalia Ruiz & Pav. = Coccocypselum
- Congdonia Jeps. = Declieuxia
- Darluca Raf. = Faramea
- Encopea C.Presl = Faramea
- Evea Aubl. = Faramea
- Froelichia Vahl = Coussarea
- Homaloclados Hook.f. = Faramea
- Lecanosperma Rusby = Heterophyllaea
- Lipostoma D.Don = Coccocypselum
- Macrosiphon Miq. = Hindsia
- Neleixa Raf. = Faramea
- Pecheya Scop. = Coussarea
- Peckeya Raf. = Coussarea
- Potima R.Hedw. = Faramea
- Rotheria Meyen = Cruckshanksia
- Sicelium P.Browne = Coccocypselum
- Sulzeria Roem. & Schult. = Faramea
- Tetramerium C.F.Gaertn. = Faramea
- Thiersia Baill. = Faramea
- Tontanea Aubl. = Coccocypselum