Cottontail rabbit

Cottontail rabbits are among the 20 lagomorph species in the genus Sylvilagus, found in the Americas. Most Sylvilagus species have stub tails with white undersides that show when they retreat, giving them their characteristic name. However, this feature is not present in all cottontails nor is it unique to the genus.
The genus is widely distributed across North America, Central America and northern and central South America, though most species are confined to particular regions. Most species live in nests called forms, and all have altricial young. An adult female averages three litters per year, which can occur in any season; occurrence, and litter size depend on several factors including time of the year, weather, and location. The average litter size is four but can range from as few as two to as many as eight, most of whom do not go on to survive to adulthood.
Cottontail rabbits show a greater resistance to myxomatosis than European rabbits.


The cottontail is one of several species of Sylvilagus; their closest relative is Brachylagus, the pygmy rabbit. They are more distantly related to the European and other rabbits, and more distantly still to the hares. The cladogram is based on mitochondrial gene analysis.


The lifespan of a cottontail averages about two years, depending on the location. Almost every living carnivorous creature comparable to or larger in size than these lagomorphs is a potential predator, including such diverse creatures as domestic dogs, cats, humans, snakes, coyotes, mountain lions, foxes, and if the cottontail is showing signs of illness, even squirrels. The cottontail's most frequent predators are various birds of prey. Cottontails can also be parasitized by botfly species including Cuterebra fontinella. Newborn cottontails are particularly vulnerable to these attacks. Cottontails use burrows vacated by other animals, and the burrows are used for long enough periods that predators can learn where the cottontails reside and repeatedly return to predate the lagomorphs. Though cottontails are prolific animals that can have multiple litters in a year, few of the resulting offspring survive to adulthood. Those that do grow very quickly and are full grown adults at three months.

Eating mechanics

In contrast to rodents, which generally sit on their hind legs and hold food with their front paws while feeding; cottontail rabbits eat while on all fours. Cottontail rabbits typically only use their nose to move and adjust the position of the food that it places directly in front of its front paws on the ground. The cottontail will turn the food with its nose to find the cleanest part of the vegetation to begin its meal. The only time a cottontail uses its front paws while feeding is when vegetation is above its head on a living plant, at which point the cottontail will lift its paw to bend the branch to bring the food within reach.
Cottontails are rarely found out of their burrows looking for food on windy days, because the wind interferes with their hearing capabilities. Hearing an incoming predator before they get close enough to attack is their primary defense mechanism.


The subgenera were described in the 19th century based on limited morphological data that have been shown to not be of great use, nor to depict phylogenetic relationships. Molecular studies have shown that the currently accepted subgeneric structure, while of some heuristic value, is unlikely to withstand additional scrutiny.
SubgenusImageCommon nameScientific nameDistribution
MicrolagusBrush rabbitSylvilagus bachmaniWest coast of North America, from the Columbia River in Oregon to the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula.
MicrolagusSan Jose brush rabbitSylvilagus mansuetusSan José Island in the Gulf of California
SylvilagusDesert cottontailSylvilagus auduboniiWestern United States from eastern Montana to western Texas, and in Northern and Central Mexico
SylvilagusManzano Mountain cottontailSylvilagus cognatusManzano Mountains in New Mexico, United States
SylvilagusMexican cottontailSylvilagus cuniculariusMexico from the state of Sinaloa to the states of Oaxaca and Veracruz
SylvilagusEastern cottontailSylvilagus floridanuseastern and south-central United States, southern Canada, eastern Mexico, Central America and northernmost South America.
SylvilagusTres Marias rabbitSylvilagus graysoniTres Marias Islands, Mexico
SylvilagusMountain cottontailSylvilagus nuttalliiIntermountain west of Canada and the United States.
SylvilagusAppalachian cottontail or Allegheny cottontailSylvilagus obscuruseastern United States.
SylvilagusDavis Mountains cottontailSylvilagus robustussouthwestern United States and adjacent Mexico
SylvilagusNew England cottontailSylvilagus transitionalisNew England, specifically from southern Maine to southern New York.
TapetiAndean cottontailSylvilagus andinusEcuador
TapetiSwamp rabbitSylvilagus aquaticussouthern United States.
TapetiTapetiSylvilagus brasiliensissouthern Mexico to northern Argentina.
TapetiDice's cottontailSylvilagus diceiCosta Rica and Panama
TapetiOmilteme cottontailSylvilagus insonusGuerrero, Mexico
TapetiMarsh rabbitSylvilagus palustrissouthern Florida
TapetiSuriname lowland forest cottontailSylvilagus parentumwestern Suriname
TapetiRio de Janeiro dwarf cottontailSylvilagus tapetillusRio de Janeiro, Brazil
TapetiVenezuelan lowland rabbitSylvilagus varynaensiswestern Venezuela