
Cordignano is a town and comune with 7,020 inhabitants in the province of Treviso, Veneto, Italy.

Morphology of the territory

Located on the border between Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, the municipality of Cordignano covers a considerable portion of the territory, elevation varying between above sea level, extending from the plateau to the plains below Cansiglio, to the north of road SS 13.
Element that strongly characterizes the region is the presence of Meschio River, which runs through the town, coming from Vittorio Veneto.


The first inhabited center of the territory of the municipality dates back to prehistoric times. It then traces of a fort dated between the 14th and 10th centuries BC, in the north, at the Alpine foothills of Belluno.
In Roman times the area continued to grow mainly in the agricultural field, forming an active farming community still witnessed in the Middle Ages. It was in this period that the center took on the name Corticionus.
In the 13th century it became the curia of Da Camino, then between the 15th and 18th century it was a fief of the Rangoni family of Modena, passing in the 18th century to the branch of the Mocenigo family in Venice with residence at San Stae.
In the 20th century Cordignano should be remembered for the development of the craft industry, and then the industry, still thriving today, in part by changing the orientation of agricultural previous centuries and behaving even a redesign of the territory, with vast industrial zones and new infrastructure.

Places of interest

Religious buildings


The different centers that draw the municipal area, mostly of rural origin, find their center in the ancient religious buildings are listed below those of historical and architectural importance:
Among the civil architecture of some significance, the agricultural past has left the old villages, rural houses and some mansions, homes of families who have had influence on the territory and architectural expressions of their prestige.

Venetian villas

Below is a list of the main Venetian villas in the municipality:
Building of the 16th century in Ponte della Muda, the Palace was the seat of customs duty post in the only crossing place of the Meschio on the Venice-Udine, in fact the bridge of muda that gave name to the place. The property has a large covered porch with vaulted ceilings on the ground floor, with round arches supported by columns decorated with sculptural elements, the first floor is open by single lancet rectangular and surmounted by a mezzanine in the attic.

Natural areas

Cordignano is located south of the river Meschio, passing through the center of the square at the height of Piazza Italia, wetting the northern part of the park of Villa Rota Brandolini d'Adda.
The many loops and the banks of the river, surrounded by numerous areas where the rural landscape keeps a certain integrity, strongly characterizing the territory of Cordignano.


Ethnicities and foreign minorities

There are 638 foreign residents in the municipality, 8.9% of the population. The following are the largest groups:
  1. Albanians, 156
  2. Romanians, 130
  3. Moroccans, 82
  4. Macedonians, 36