Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics

The Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics provides a mechanism to coordinate fishery statistical programmes of regional fishery bodies and other inter-governmental organizations with a remit for fishery statistics.

Main function

Functional since 1960, the CWP's purpose is to:
Established by resolution 23/59 of the FAO Conference under Article VI-2 of the Organization's Constitution at its Tenth Session in 1959. The Statutes of CWP were amended and approved by the FAO Council at its Hundred and Eighth Session in June 1995.

Participating Organizations

The CWP is composed of experts nominated by intergovernmental organizations which have a competence in fishery statistics. There are currently 17 participating organizations in the CWP:
The FAO serves as the CWP Secretariat. The CWP meets in full session approximately every two years and carries out intersessional and ad hoc meetings as required.

Geographical Coverage

Although first mandated to cover North Atlantic fisheries, since 1995 the CWP has extended its remit to all marine water bodies.
