Cooranga, Queensland

Cooranga is a locality in the Western Downs Region, Queensland, Australia. In the, Cooranga had a population of 133 people.


The locality was named and bounded on 14 September 2001, having been previously the unbounded locality of Cooranga North. The name Cooranga comes from a pastoral run name, which was probably taken from a creek name, reportedly a Kabi language word meaning war spear.

Community groups

The Cooranga North branch of the Queensland Country Women's Association meets at the Cooranga North Memorial Hall at 41 Cooranga North Niagara Road.


There are no schools in Cooranga. The nearest primary schools are in Bell, Jandowae, and Jimbour. The nearest secondary schools are in Bell and Jandowae but these provide schooling only to Year 10. For Years 11 and 12, the nearest secondary school is Dalby State High School.