According to John Malalas and Theophanes the Confessor, Constantiolus was a son of Florentius. No details are given about him, though he could be identified with Florentius, Roman consul in 515. Constantiolus is first mentioned as "stratelates of Moesia" in 528, in succession to Justin, who had been killed in battle earlier that year. Justin and Baduarius, dux of Scythia Minor, had joined their forces in battle against a force of foreign invaders, who Malalas identifies as "Huns", while Theophanes as Bulgars. It is likely that Constantiolus held the title of dux Moesiae Secundae and the rank of magister militum. The newly appointed Constantiolus joined forces with Ascum and Godilas in facing the invaders, who were at the time active in Thrace. The Byzantine army managed to defeat one group of invaders in battle, but they were then ambushed and routed by a second group of Huns/Bulgars. Both Constantiolus and Ascum were captured by their enemies. The victors ransomed Constantiolus back to Justinian I in exchange for a large sum. Malalas reports a payment of 10,000 solidi, while Theophanes of 1,000solidi.
Imperial representative
Constantiolus resurfaces in 531, after Belisarius' defeat by the Sassanid Persians at the Battle of Callinicum. Justinian sent Constantiolus to the eastern border, assigning him to investigate the circumstances of the defeat. Constantiolus traveled through Antioch and questioned various Byzantine commanders on the subject. Among them was the magister officiorumHermogenes, who had served under Belisarius in the battle. Constantiolus returned to Constantinople with his findings. His report probably contributed to the end of Belisarius' service as magister militum per Orientem and his replacement by Mundus.
Constantiolus next appears during the Nika riots in 532, where he, along with Mundus and Basilides, served as envoys of Justinian to the rioting crowds. They partly attempted to calm the rioters and partly attempted to understand the causes of their wrath. Their report to the emperor placed the blame for the uprising on the unpopular financial ministers John the Cappadocian, Tribonian and Eudaemon, leading to their dismissal from office. As the riots did not subside, Justinian considered fleeing Constantinople, and Constantiolus and Mundus were assigned to guard the palace in his absence. Justinian was in despair, but his wifeTheodora is said to have dissuaded him, saying, "Those who have worn the crown should never survive its loss. Never will I see the day when I am not saluted as empress." Although an escape route across the sea lay open for the emperor, Theodora insisted that she would stay in the city, quoting an ancient saying, "Royalty is a fine burial shroud," or perhaps, "Purple makes a fine winding sheet." Constantiolus took part, with Belisarius and Mundus, in attacking the crowds within the Hippodrome of Constantinople. The event ended the Nika riots and also seems to be the last chronological mention of Constantiolus.