Confederation of European Business

The Confederation of European Business, shortened BusinessEurope, is a lobby group representing enterprises of all sizes in the European Union and seven non-EU European countries. Members of the confederation are 40 national industry and employers' organizations. The current president of the confederation is Pierre Gattaz, while the Director General is Markus J. Beyrer.
Based in Brussels, the confederation is officially recognised as a social partner at European level, is involved in a range of economic and social decisions and cooperates with a number of stakeholders and business partners. It promotes the interests of corporate citizens to ensure that public policy supports the European economy. It is generally considered the strongest interest organisation in Brussels and represents 20 million companies through its member trade associations in 35 European countries.


In 2014, Unilever terminated its membership in BusinessEurope's Advisory and Support Group, because it opposed the organisation's stance on carbon dioxide emissions.


The association is led by a president. In the past, the following persons used to hold this office:
BusinessEurope is administrated by a director general. Markus J. Beyrer has been holding this position since 2013.


The Confederation of European Business organises the annual and European Business Summit in Brussels.

Member organisations

Federation of Austrian Industries
Federation of Belgian Enterprises
Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business
Schweizerischer Arbeitgeberverband
Cyprus Employers & Industrialists Federation
Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic
Federation of German Industries
Confederation of German Employers' Associations
Confederation of Danish Industries
Confederation of Danish Employers
Estonian Employers' Confederation
Spanish Confederation of Employers' Organizations
Confederation of Finnish Industries
Mouvement des Entreprises de France
Hellenic Federation of Enterprises
Hrvatska Udruga Poslodavaca
Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists
Irish Business and Employers Confederation
The Federation of Icelandic Industries
Confederation of Icelandic Employers
General Confederation of Italian Industry
Lietuvos pramonininku konfederacija
Business Federation Luxembourg
Employers' Confederation of Latvia
Montenegrin Employers Federation
The Malta Chamber of Commerce Enterprise
Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers
Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise
Confederação da Indústria Portuguesa
Unija poslodavaca Srbije
Association of Employers of Slovenia
National Union of Employers
Associazione Nazionale dell'Industria Sammarinese
Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association
Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations
Confederation of British Industry