Complete Boolean algebra

In mathematics, a complete Boolean algebra is a Boolean algebra in which every subset has a supremum. Complete Boolean algebras are used to construct Boolean-valued models of set theory in the theory of forcing. Every Boolean algebra A has an essentially unique completion, which is a complete Boolean algebra containing A such that every element is the supremum of some subset of A. As a partially ordered set, this completion of A is the Dedekind–MacNeille completion.
More generally, if κ is a cardinal then a Boolean algebra is called κ-complete if every subset of cardinality less than κ has a supremum.


if A is a subalgebra of a Boolean algebra B, then any homomorphism from A to a complete Boolean algebra C can be extended to a morphism from B to C.
The completion of a Boolean algebra can be defined in several equivalent ways:
The completion of a Boolean algebra A can be constructed in several ways:
If A is a metric space and B its completion then any isometry from A to a complete metric space C can be extended to a unique isometry from B to C. The analogous statement for complete Boolean algebras is not true: a homomorphism from a Boolean algebra A to a complete Boolean algebra C cannot necessarily be extended to a homomorphism of complete Boolean algebras from the completion B of A to C.

Free κ-complete Boolean algebras

Unless the Axiom of Choice is relaxed, free complete boolean algebras generated by a set do not exist. More precisely, for any cardinal κ, there is a complete Boolean algebra of cardinality 2κ greater than κ that is generated as a complete Boolean algebra by a countable subset; for example the Boolean algebra of regular open sets in the product space κω, where κ has the discrete topology. A countable generating set consists of all sets am,n for m, n integers, consisting of the elements x∈κω such that x<x.
In particular the forgetful functor from complete Boolean algebras to sets has no left adjoint, even though it is continuous and the category of Boolean algebras is small-complete. This shows that the "solution set condition" in Freyd's adjoint functor theorem is necessary.
Given a set X, one can form the free Boolean algebra A generated by this set and then take its completion B. However B is not a "free" complete Boolean algebra generated by X, because a function from X to a free Boolean algebra C cannot in general be extended to a morphism of Boolean algebras from B to C.
On the other hand, for any fixed cardinal κ, there is a free κ-complete Boolean algebra generated by any given set.