Combatants for Peace

Combatants for Peace is an Israeli-Palestinian NGO and an egalitarian, bi-national, grassroots movement committed to non-violent action against the “Israeli occupation and all forms of violence” in Israel and the Palestinian territories.
The movement was formed in 2006 by Palestinians and Israelis who had taken an active role in the cycle of violence, and decided to work together to promote a peaceful solution through non-violent action. Originally, the activists were solely ex-combatants: the Israeli soldiers and refuseniks of the Israeli army and Palestinian fighters. Today, members of the movement include also men and women who have never played a violent role in the conflict. Combatants for Peace is the only peace group worldwide, ever that was founded and run by ex-combatants on both sides of an active conflict. Other all other joint veteran-based peace initiatives have been co-founded only after peaceful resolution to their conflict has been achieved.
The documentary film “” was made in 2016 about the work of Combatants For Peace. The movie is being screened throughout Israel, Palestine, the United States and Europe. The movie has won numerous awards internationally including the first ever,

Vision, Mission and Goals

"In 2006, Palestinian and Israeli former combatants laid down their weapons and established Combatants for Peace. Committed to joint nonviolence since its foundation, CfP works to end the Israeli occupation and all forms of violence to build a peaceful future. For over a decade we have led social action based on shared values of freedom, democracy, security and dignity for all. Combatants for Peace is a strong, significant, influential binational community that exemplifies viable cooperation: co-resistance to the occupation and violence. Through joint nonviolence in the present, we lay the foundations for a nonviolent future. In keeping with our values, we work towards a two state solution, or any other mutually agreed upon solution that will allow Israelis and Palestinians to live based freedom, security, democracy and dignity in their homeland."
Combatants for Peace describes its main goals as:
Combatants for Peace has organized a series of meetings between veterans from both sides, most taking place in East Jerusalem in the early years, but have expanded now into ten local bi-national groups operating between Tulkarm-Tel Aviv, Nablus-Tel Aviv, Ramallah-Tel Aviv, Jerusalem-Jericho, Jerusalem-Bethlehem, Beersheva-Hebron and in the North. Additionally, Combatants for Peace now organizes two region-wide Israeli-Palestinian bi-national groups, a Theater of the Oppressed group and women's group. They also participate in humanitarian aid work, including rebuilding demolished playgrounds, homes, schools and orchards in the West Bank.
Other activities include:
Combatants for Peace have been interviewed on CNN, by Democracy Now!, had a front page article in the New York Times, had several articles featured on the BBC, and were featured in the Huffington Post, the LA Times, Al Jeezera, and the front page of the Jerusalem Post.


Combatants for Peace has won a series of awards for their nonviolent, joint activism including: