Coins of the Austro-Hungarian krone

Austro-Hungarian krone coins were minted with a different design in Austria and Hungary.

Coins of Austria

The Austrian coins were minted in Vienna. Denominated coins for Austria: 1, 2, 10 and 20 Heller; 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 100 Corona. The Austrian 100 corona is still being minted, with a 1915 mint mark to enable Austrians to take advantage of a grandfather clause in the law regarding private ownership of gold bullion. It is a popular gold bullion coin similar to the Krugerrand.

Coins of Hungary

The Hungarian coins were minted in the famous mint of Körmöcbánya. Denominated coins for Hungary: 1, 2, 10 and 20 fillér; 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 100 korona.


  1. "MAGYAR KIRÁLYI VÁLTÓPÉNZ" = "Hungarian royal token coin"
  2. "BIZALMAM AZ ŐSI ERÉNYBEN" = "My trust in the ancient virtue"
  3. "FERENCZ JÓZSEF I.K.A.CS. ÉS M.H.S.D.O.AP.KIR." = "Ferencz József Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavon-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya" = "Franz Joseph by the Grace of God Emperor of Austria and Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia, Dalmatia"
  4. "HARCBAN ÉS BÉKÉBEN A NEMZETTEL A HAZÁÉRT" = "In battle and peace with the nation for the home"
  5. "KÁROLY I.K.A.CS. ÉS M.H.SZ.D.O.AP.KIR." = "Károly Isten kegyelméből ausztriai császár és Magyar-, Horvát-, Szlavon-, Dalmátországok apostoli királya" = "Charles by the Grace of God Emperor of Austria and Apostolic King of Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia, Dalmatia"
  6. "AZ EZERÉVES MAGYARORSZÁG EMLÉKÉRE" = "To the memory of the 1000-years-old Hungary"
  7. "MEGKORONÁZTATÁSÁNAK NEGYVENEDIK ÉVFORDULÓJÁRA 1867-1907" = "To the 40th anniversary of his coronation 1867-1907"