Coal Company Zarechnaya

Coal company Zarechnaya is a Russian coal company. It is a subsidiary of MPO Kuzbass, owned by Victor Nusenkis. The company is headquartered in Polysaevo, Kemerovo region. Managing director of the company is Vitaly Kharitonov.


Zarechnaya was restructured into a holding in 2008. It includes 6 coal mines, a washing plant and a number of supporting enterprises.
The production stock of the company's mines is 2.2 billion tons. Coal companies of the holding produce thermal coal and metallurgical coal, washing plant processes thermal coal. In 2011 the group extracted more than 9.2 million tons of coal, which is 800 thousand tons more than the previous year. In 2012, it is planning to extend its coal production up to 10.8 million tons in 2012.


Mine Zarechnaya

Mine Zarechnaya is the largest enterprise of the group. It was the first hydraulic mine in the USSR. The mine was put into service in August 1953 with an estimated capacity of 150 thousand tons of coal a year. In late 1990s due to lack of funds for modernization, the mine was scheduled to be closed. In 1998 it was bought by Victor Nusenkis. Today its annual coal production exceeds 5 million tons. Total coal reserves are 299.8 million tons of thermal coal.
In 2011 mine Zarechnaya produced 4.6 million tons of coal. First time ever two teams in Zarechnaya exceeded the two-million production level.
Within first 9 months of 2012 mine Zarechnaya has output 3.86 million tons of coal. The drift miners of the mine have got 12 km of shafts prepared.

Coal washing plant Sputnik

Coal washing plant Sputnik was built and put into operation in 2003 with the full cycle of enrichment and a closed water supply. Modern equipment of Sputnik allows to process almost all coal extracted in mine Zarechnaya. The plant was originally built with a production capacity of 2.4 million tons of coal a year. After the modernization in 2008, which was held without cessation of the enrichment process, the efficiency of the complex reached 5 million tons of coal a year. In 2011 the production capacity was increased up to 6 million tons. The plant processes the coal of the mines Zarechnaya and Oktyabrskaya as well as of the third parties.

Mine Oktyabrskaya

Mine Oktyabrskaya was put into operation in 1956 with estimated capacity of 1.2 million tons per year. In 2010 Oktyabrskaya was purchased by Coal Company Zarechnaya. The reserves account to 158.5 million tons of thermal coal. At the moment the modernization of purification and tunneling equipment is in progress. It is planned to increase the volume of coal production output gradually since 2012, reaching the production capacity of 4 million tons of coal by 2014.
In 2011 mine site Oktyabrsky produced 2.5 million tons of coal.
Within 9 months of 2012 mine site Oktyabrsky has produced 1.913 million tons of coal, which exceeds the results of the same period of last year by 160 thousand tons. The drift miners have prepared 8087 m of shafts, having exceeded the previous year's results by 587 m.

Mine Aleksiyevskaya

Mine Aleksievskaya, put into operation in 1964, was purchased by Zarechnayain 2007. Mine reconstruction allowed it to avoid being shut down and became the reason for coal production increase. The production capacity of the mine is 619.7 million tons of flame coal. Coal production doubled in 2011 and reached the level of 2 million tons. Having got the license for prospection and mining on the mine-site Blagodatny of Egozovo-Krasnoyarsky coal field, Alexievskaya increased its production stock by 110 million tons of coal. According to the plan, the volume of production will reach 2.3 million tons in 2012, and by 2015 it will have grown up to 5 million tons. A new washing plant will be built in 2018.
Within 9 months of 2012 mine Aleksievskaya has produced 1.480 mln. tons of coal. The drift-maners have prepared a record length of shafts - 9808 m, which is 145% as much as within the same period last year.

Mine Karagaylinskoye

The mine was purchased in 2006 and now is under construction, that takes place on subsoil area, once belonged to company Mine Karagaylinskaya, closed as a result of total coal industry restructuring in 1990s. Total reserves are 110.7 million tons of coking coal. Construction project of the mine implies the start of the mining in 2012 with output of 500 thousand tons, with a gradual growth to estimated capacity of 2 million tons in 2015. The construction plan also implies building a washing plan for coking coal.
In August 2011 the open-pit coal production started on the mine site Karagaylinskoye. By the end of the year 102.2 thousand tons of coal had been extracted.
The output level in 2012 has reached 195 thousand tons of coal. The underground mine is being under construction now, and the drift miners have prepared 3695 m of mines. The first longwall-face in scheduled for production at the end of 2013.

Mine Sibirskaya

Mine Sibirskaya was purchased in 2010. It is situated on the coal deposit of the ex-mine Kuznetskaya. Total reserves amount is 445 million tons of thermal coal. At the moment construction and engineering works are in progress. After that the process of baring, preparing of the field and construction of technologic complex on the surface, the washing plant and other units will be carried out. The coal production is scheduled to start in 2013 with a stepwise production capacity growth up to 5 million tons a year since 2017.

Mine Seraphimovskaya

The license for prospection and mining on the mine site Seraphimovsky, Ushakovsky deposit, was purchased in 2009. Licensed reserves are 163 million tons. Deposit exploration and production stock examining are in progress.
Mine Serafimovskaya will produce metallurgical coal. During the geological survey, which started in February 2010, the quality and characteristics of coal, seam gas content and hydro geological conditions of the site were examined. At the moment the survey results are being considered for preparing technical and economical assessment. Based on the technical assessment Kuzbassgiproshakht Company will start preparing the mine project. According to the plan, an advanced coal processing plant will be also built on Seraphimovsky site for producing synthetic motor fuel from coal. There are no such plants in Russia at the moment.
When the project is completed in 2013, the construction will start. Mine’s infrastructure implies the construction of a washing plant, railway station Seraphimovskaya and local railway tracks. The mining is planned to start in 2016 with an output of 3 million tons with a stepwise increase up to 8 million tons in 2020.

Gramoteino Central Electrical Shops

Gramoteino Central Electrical Shops were established in 1976. In 2004 they were purchased by Mine Zarechnaya. Gramoteino Central Electrical Shops produce hardware, arched steel timbers, monorail and switch elements, provide complete overhaul of electric motors. In response to increasing demand of the Coal company’s mines, the manufacture was widened and the production line broadened.

Georesurs Research Institute

Georesurs was purchased in 2007. The enterprise provides a complex of geological survey and mining operations, efficient solving of subsoil research issues and coal banks degassing. On the base of Georesurs, a mine geophysics research group was organized, which allows monitoring geological conditions of mining for efficient maintenance of mining process.


Technoparkinvest-Kuzbass was established in 2008 for participation in forming new hi-tech production in partnership with Techno park of Kuzbass. The main fields of innovation activity are:
is a coal terminal in Ventspils, Latvia. In 2009 a start-up facility was set in operation with the capacity of 6 million tons a year. It’s equipped with up-to-date machinery, meeting all requirements of ecological security. That allows to load ships with the full load weight up to 150,000 tons and provides a complex of services that improve the quality of the coal such as displacement, refinement and magnetic separation. After setting in operation the second terminal, the processing capacity will exceed 10 million tons a year.