Club Crackers

Club Crackers are a brand of crackers made by the American Keebler Company. They are somewhat similar in resemblance to saltines, but are rectangular and have 18 holes in a 3x6 pattern instead of the 13 holes in a 3-2-3-2-3 pattern that are on a saltine. Also, their short edges are even, not perforated. They have a buttery flavor and a large amount of fat, 0.5g per serving, not found in regular saltines. The crackers contain 70 calories per serving with four total crackers in one serving.

Cracker Calories

Club crackers are a "Light, Flaky, Buttery" snack. In the small snack stack package there are seventeen crackers. Each cracker has 17.5 calories. By eating a whole snack pack you are eating 297.5 calories.