Cleverlance Enterprise Solutions

Cleverlance Enterprise Solutions a.s. is an information technologies company with HQ in The Czech Republic and branch offices in Prague, Brno, Bratislava and Bremen. Cleverlance develops its own products, integrates IT platforms and provides analytical services as well as testing of software. These services are offered by Cleverlance to a large spectrum of clients, ranging from financial institutions, through telecommunications to the power or automotive industries. Cleverlance places strong emphasis on innovative approaches to problém solving and utilizing the most up to date technology to do so. This can be seen in their active engagement with virtual and augmented reality technology – since the 30th of October 2017, Cleverlance became a member of the Association of Virtual and Augmented Reality and is currently working on several applications of VR and AR.


Cleverlance was founded in 2000, in Czechia, as a company which specialized in developing for the Java EE platform. The founding members were Jakub Dosoudil, Jan Šeda a Dobromil Podpěra. Jan Šeda later sold his share in the company to the other founders. At the start the company mainly dealt with clients outside of Czechia, but not too long after the founding, first large-scale Czech clients approached Cleverlance with IT projects. The first one of these was Komerční Banka, for whom Cleverlance created the system of internet banking. In 2003, Cleverlance became the largest local developer for the J2EE in Czechia, as well as Slovakia. The process of professionalization and the growth of the company continued at a higher rate after Jiří Bíba became the main sales manager of Cleverlance, developing longterm business plans. In 2004, Cleverlance Group was founded. It’s a group of IT companies connected to Cleverlance, either through acquisition or by becoming independent as a start-up.

Tsunami tragedy strikes Clevelerlance

During the 2004 Christmas holidays, one of the founding members of Cleverlance, Jakub Dosoudil, embarked on a trip to Thailand with his girlfriend Michaela Beránková. Both of them tragically lost their lives and became one of the Czech victims of the 2004 Earthquake in the Indian Ocean, which created massive tsunami waves and killed almost 230 000 people. The rest of the employees and owners of Cleverlance were actively trying to find the couple along with the families, after Dosoudil and Beránková have been reported missing. Their bodies were found and identified in 2005. The deaths of Dosoudil and Beránková were a huge loss for the company and created a very chaotic situation for the company overall.

Current development

In 2017, the annual revenue of the company crossed 1 billion Czech crowns. In 2019 the new majority owner became the KKCG group.

Invinit Group

Invinit Group is a family of different IT companies, connected to the founding firm Cleverlance and dealing with many different aspects of information technologies. The members consist of:

Cleverlance Enterprise Solutions


AEC is a Czech IT company, which was created in 1991 and deals with various facets of cyber security. AEC became a member of Cleverlance Group in 2007, through an acquisition agreement between the companies.In 2019 the new majority owner became the KKCG group.


The Slovakian branch of AEC

Clever Power

Clever Power offers IT solutions for the energy industry and infrastructural needs. The company for example deals in the regeneration of photovoltaic power stations and their maintenance, data communication at power conductors or the implementation of so-called „smart city“ technologies. These are way of utilizing IT solutions to improve live in cities.


CTS TRADE IT became a member of the Cleverlance Group in 2008. It offers and develops IT solutions for trading on capital markets. All solutions use the same modular platform - Clever Trading Solution. This system can be adapted to specific client requirements by means of simple parametrisation. Based on their own developer platform, CTS offers a variety of different products.


Eicero became a member of Cleverlance Group in 2010. The company deals in the complex diagnostics of photovoltaic power stations and the elimination of PID, which causes lowering of output of a given power station. The main product of Eicero is PID Doctor, a device, tailored for the needs of every customer, which works with different kinds of photovoltaic power stations. When connected, PID Doctor regenerates the panels which were damaged by PID and restores their peak performance.


TrustPort is a provider and developer of computer safety solutions. The various TrustPort products are based on continuously developed antivirus and encryption technologies, anti-spam methods and anomaly behavior monitoring AI techniques. TrustPort became member of the group in March 2008. The company was created as an independent subject within Cleverlance Group after the acquisition of AEC, from which TrustPort became independent.

Awards and recognition

Cleverlance was awarded several prizes for excellence, both in regards to specific products as well as the company itself.
The Agency CzechInvest along with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, awarded Cleverlance the Podnikatelský projekt roku 2012 prize in the category of ICT and strategic services.
The CzechInno group and their partners awarded Cleverlance H2B the Visionary of 2013 prize. The prize was awarded for the technological contribution in utilising information technologies in financial services due to development of the Sm@rtClient platform, as a too for quick prototyping of software applications.
The online professional magazine Business IT, awarded the „Remarkable It product of 2018“ to the chatbot Empeena, developer by Cleverlance. Empeens is an automatic interface for customer care, customer self-service, internet banking or assisting with the choice and recommendation of an adequate product on the client’s e-commerce site.
Magazine Inside named Cleverlance the quickest growing IT company in Czechia. Cleverlance has also placed the highest of all Czech companies in the „Technology Fast 50“ list for Central Europe.

IT education

Cleverlance periodically holds so called Academies, in which members of the public can learn about specific IT topics and be granted a certificate after going through this intense crash course. After the course is completed, the best scoring people are offered a job position in Cleverlance. Most often held Academy is the Testing Clever Academy, designed to teach attendees the ins and outs of IT testing within a single week and Testing Java Academy, focused on developers early in their career. Cleverlance also organizes education academies for the.NET and database technologies.

Name of the company

The name is a combination the words „clever“ and „lance“, which both have connotations of sharpness. The name was thought up by the founding member Jakub Dosoudil, while on vacation in Mexico.