Gossips had accused Claudia of inchastity; but when the ship that carried the goddess's imageup the River Tiber stuck fast on a sandbar, Claudia prayed for the goddess's help, then released and towed the ship single-handed. This miraculous feat proved Claudia's reputation and the goddess's willingness to become Rome's protector. Soon after, Rome had a good harvest, then defeated the Carthaginian leader Hannibal. Accounts of Cybele's arrival and her transformation into Rome's Magna Mater were embellished over time with circumstantial details, and formed part of the goddess's founding festival, Megalesia. These stories, and the pageants of Megalesia, were used to promote the goddess herself, traditional Roman values, and the status and reputation of Rome's ruling families. Magna Mater was conscripted to the Roman cause at a particularly unstable time in the city's history; the choice of Claudia Quinta and Scipio Nasica as the best of their kind may reflect their enrollment in a show of unity. Claudia's legend in particular became increasingly fantastical and embroidered, and cast idealised reflections on those who might be considered her descendants. In the Republican era, Cicero offered Claudia's exceptional reputation for pudicitia as the moral opposite to Clodia's, to undermine the latter's moral fitness to offer testimony against his client; and to accentuate the infamy of Clodia's brother Clodius, accused of deliberate sacrilege at Magna Mater's festival. The emperor Claudius claimed Claudia as an ancestor and may have promoted her cult, alongside that of Magna Mater and her divine consort, Attis. Most ancient sources describe Claudia Quinta as an aristocratic matron, who actively supports and defends her country's welfare, her personal reputation and that of her family. Cicero and later sources appear to have confused or conflated her with known Vestals of the Claudian family. Some images from the early Imperial era and onward show her in Vestal costume, highlighting her status as an Imperial paragon of morality and religious purity. She had at least one statue, in the vestibule of Magna Mater's Palatine temple; it was thought to have miraculously escaped two fires that had ruined the temple itself. Plaques and reliefs show her pulling the goddess's ship.