Claude Pujade-Renaud

Claude Pujade-Renaud is a French writer, whose first novel Le Ventriloque appeared in 1978. Since that time she has published over twenty novels, short-story and poetry collections, as well as combined creative works with long-time partner Daniel Zimmermann. She won the prix Goncourt des lycéens in 1994 for Belle mère, her novel on stepmothering, and is a recipient of the French Writer's Guild Prize for her life's work.
A dance teacher, she taught Body Expression courses at the University of Paris-VIII, and is the author of a number of pedagogical texts relating to the body and the class-room.
Childlessness and sexuality are recurring themes in her novels, which have veered towards the historical in the latter part of her career.
None of her work is available in English.


;Short Stories
;With Daniel Zimmermann
;Collective Novel