Claremont College (Tasmania)

Claremont College opened in 1990 as a senior secondary Government school in Tasmania, Australia, for students in Years 11, 12 and optional year 13. It provides a full range of courses, preparing students for university, TAFE, traineeships and employment. Its 500 students study either on-campus or off-campus. The college is located at Claremont, Tasmania, in a picturesque setting overlooking the Derwent River, 15 km from Hobart. It particularly targets students living in Hobart's Northern Suburbs.
College facilities include a drama auditorium, sport and recreation centre, library, various computer laboratories, canteen, and many sporting fields.
A Block Front Office, Staff Room and ITC
B Block Principal, assistant Principals, social worker/psychologist
C Block Library
D Block common room/ canteen
E Block hospitality/ Cooking
F Block Photography/Art
G Block English communications
H Block Science/ Glass work shop
I Block drama/ Music
J Block special needs
K Block ITC/ Maths

Notable alumni