Professor Gerhardt is Editor-in-Chief of , the quarterly journal of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, published by Oxford University Press. Gerhardt has written about walking and experiential learning, civic engagement and citizen science; about human-animal-environment entanglement; about petro-cultures and petro-landscapes, e.g. plastic and the Pacific; about sea level rise and islands; and about future shorelines. She also uses site specific public art installations to foster civic engagement. She has led walking tours, with both classes and the public, revealing the past histories hidden in the urban landscape, considering how the present day environment came to be shaped, and imagining possible future geographies.
Gerhardt has published on critical theory and on Theodor W. Adorno. Her writings examine the concept of nature and of animals in the writings of the Frankfurt School's first generation. She has published articles on Adorno and nature; on nature in Adorno and Kracauer; on animals and compassion in the writings of Adorno, Horkheimer and Schopenhauer; and on animals in Adorno, Cixous, Derrida and Levinas.
Environmental Humanities - Recent Articles and Book Chapters
"." in Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature. Edited by Peter Arnds. 44.1.
"." in Climate Justice and Community Renewal: Resistance and Grassroots Solutions. Edited by Brian Tokar and Tamra Gilbertson. Routledge, 2020. pp. 70-81.
"." in Makes Waves: Water in Contemporary Literature and Film. Edited by Paula Anca Farca. University of Nevada Press, 2019. pp. 12-21.
"." in . Co-Edited by Karin Baumgartner and Monika Shafi. Camden House, 2019. pp. 193-206.
"." in Mosaic 51.3 : 123–140.
"." in . Edited by Lucie Viakinnou-Brinson. Lexington Books, 2018. pp. 133-151.
"." in Humanities 6.4. .
Film - Recent Articles and Book Chapters
Christina Gerhardt and Marco Abel. "Introduction: German Screen Cultures and the Long 1968." in . Co-Edited by Christina Gerhardt and Marco Abel. Rochester: Camden House, 2019. pp. 1-23.
Christina Gerhardt. "Helke Sander's dffb Films and the West German Feminist Movement." in . Co-Edited by Christina Gerhardt and Marco Abel. Rochester: Camden House, 2019. pp. 69-86.
Christina Gerhardt and Sara Saljoughi. "Looking Back: Global Cinema and the Legacy of New Waves around 1968." in . Co-Edited by Christina Gerhardt and Sara Saljoughi. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2018. pp. 1-20.
"." in . Co-Edited by Christina Gerhardt and Sara Saljoughi. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2018. pp. 96-116.
"." in . Co-Edited by Sarah Colvin and Katharina Karcher. New York: Routledge, 2018. pp. 69-83.