His research work is about the history of canonization and of sainthood in the Early Modern Times and about the history of Female Mystics in the 17th century. He is also interested in the history of demoniacal possession in the same period. He published an history of the Peace Prayer attributed to saint Francis of Assisi, in which he demonstrated that this text, well known as the Prayer of Saint Francis and become in half a century one of the most famous worldwide prayers, appeared, anonymously, in 1912, in France, and has been wrongly attributed to saint Francis around 1925.
Commitments for peace and nonviolence
A conscientious objector, he served during his obligatory civilian service at the Cahiers de la Réconciliation, magazine of the MIR, French branch of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation. He was editor of this magazine from 1987 to 2006. He has been member of MIR France national committee since 1987 and was MIR France co-president from 1994 to 2004. He was member of IFORSteering Committee from 1996 to 2000. He is one of its representatives at UNESCO and its treasurer. Since November 2000, he has been the MIR France representative to the National Committee and president of the French Coalition for the Decade for the Culture of Peace and Nonviolence, which became in April 2011 the Coalition for the Education for Nonviolence and Peace. Since June 2003, he has been the representative of the French Coalition to the International Committee and president of the International Coalition for the Decade for the Culture of Peace and Nonviolence, which became in April 2011 the International Network for the Culture of Peace and Nonviolence.
Christian Renoux, La prière pour la paix attribuée à saint François: une énigme à résoudre, Paris, Éditions franciscaines, 2001, 210 p.
Christian Renoux, La preghiera per la pace attribuita a san Francesco. Un enigma da risolvere, Padoue, Edizioni Messagero Padova, 2003, Collana: Memoria e profezia, 180 p.
Jean-Patrice Boudet, Philippe Faure et Christian Renoux, De Socrate à Tintin. Anges gardiens et démons familiers de l’Antiquité à nos jours, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2011, 330 p.
Coordination pour l'éducation à la non-violence et à la paix, Vincent Roussel and Christian Renoux , 100 questions-réponses pour éduquer à la non-violence, Lyon, Chronique sociale, 2011, 231 p.
Philippe Castagnetti, Christian Renoux , Culture et société au miroir des procès de canonisation , Saint-Etienne, Presses universitaires de Saint-Etienne, 2016, 194 p.