Christian Geisler

Christian Peder Wilhelm Geisler was a Danish organist and composer.
He graduated at the Conservatory of Music in the years 1887-90 of, among others, Niels W. Gade, J.P.E. Hartmann and Gottfred Matthison-Hansen and studied 1895-96 with Max Bruch in Berlin. After his return, he acted as a composer, vocalist and organist. He was a teacher at the United Church Schools and Ingrid Jespersen School. From 1893-1911 he was employed as an organist at Reformed Church and from 1911-39 at the church of Garnison.
He was a temporary with both Hartmann and Gade, who both embraced his musical attitude. His music is in the same style as theirs, and most of it was composed before the First World War. He composed in many genres.

Notable works