Chris Oliver (surgeon)

Chris Oliver Edinburgh orthopaedic surgeon/professor. King James IV Professor Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh 2019-20. Associate Research Fellow, School of Engineering and Built Environment, Transport Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University 2018-. Honorary Professor in Physical Activity for Health at the Physical Activity for Health Research Centre, University of Edinburgh 2015-2018. Consultant Trauma Orthopaedic and Hand Surgeon at Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh 1997-2017.


In 1992, Oliver completed a doctorate from University College London in spinal muscle physiology and artificial intelligence.


Oliver retired in 2018 from the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh as a Consultant Trauma Orthopaedic Surgeon in the Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics, University of Edinburgh. Career was profiled by the British Medical Journal, Careers in July 2018.
Between 2015-2018 he was honorary Professor of Physical Activity for Health to Physical Activity for Health Research Centre at the University of Edinburgh.
In October 2016, along with other academics, he signed a letter to the Medical Schools Council and the General Medical Council to highlight the lack of lifestyle education in undergraduate medical curricula across the United Kingdom.
He is on the board of the charity Scottish Men's Shed Association.

Published work

Oliver claims to have authored over 400 publications and presentations. He written about medical informatics, assessment in medical education, physical activity and orthopaedic surgery.
He was a section editor in the multi-author major trauma section of "Oxford Textbook of Fundamentals of Surgery" published in July 2016.

Personal life

Oliver gained excessive weight during his adult life and at his heaviest was 171 kg. In February 2007 he had a LapBand fitted laparascopically and by 2011 his weight reduced to 102 kg. In 2014 the band snapped and it was later removed.
Oliver is an avid endurance cyclist. In 2013 he cycled 3415 miles from Los Angeles to Boston, USA with his daughter Catherine.