Chris Cross (TV series)

Chris Cross is a children's television series co-produced by Central TV and Cinar, in association with Showtime, in 1993. Based in an English boarding school, it dealt with the transition from single to mixed-sex, and the rivalry between two male characters. It was filmed on location at Thoresby Hall, Nottinghamshire, England. It starred Canadian actress Rachel Blanchard, as the character Dinah.


Set in an international boarding school in England, Stansfield Academy. Oliver Cross, a teenager, is the established school king cool when, at the start of a new term, two things occur to change the situation: Stansfield becomes mixed-sex and a new teenage male pupil, Chris Hilton, joins the fray, immediately becoming popular with the girls and a clear challenge to Cross's established authority.
Neither Chris nor Cross like school very much so they decide to join forces to liven up the hitherto stuffy establishment, playing practical jokes galore. They represent a formidable team: Cross is black and has built his status on the back of his wisecracking and his abilities as a DJ; Chris is white, the all-American athlete, a perfect student. Bossy fellow pupil Dinah is the headmaster's grand-daughter.
