The word Chongoyape comes from the Quechua language and means sad or crying heart.
The district capital of the district of Chongoyape is the city of Chongoyape, located to the east of the city of Chiclayo. It was founded on June 17, 1825, on land donated by the landowner Pedro José de las Muñecas, with the name of Santa Catalina de Chongoyape, in honor of the donor’s wife, Catalina Agüero.
The citizens of Chongoyape mostly work in agriculture, which highlights the planting of rice and sugar cane as well as corn.
Among the wildlife that can be seen are the White-winged Guan, the spectacled bear, the Puna, the Ocelot, White Tail Deer, eagles of different spices, CaracCara, guanacos, llamas, condors and other endemic species. The best places to watch birds is around the Private Reserve Chaparri, the following birds, among others, can be seen: Brush-headed Duck, White-winged Guan, Tyrannulet Grey and White, White-tailed Magpie, Baird's Flycatcher, and Tumbes Sparrow.
Private Reserve Chaparri
This reserve, which was created in 2001, is located in the outside region of Chongoyape. Chaparrí Reserve was the first reserve to get support from the Department of Protected Areas of the National Institute of Human Resources. Animals like the Pava Albiblanca and spectacled bear, who are endangered, are kept in captivity.
Flora: 122 varieties of plants.
Fauna: The highlight of this place is the huge variety of birds: 250 in total.
Also found in the Private Reserve Chaparri:
23 species of mammals
21 species of reptiles
4 species of amphibians
5 species of fish.
Thanks to the support of the rural community of Chongoyape and private enterprises this project is being carried out with good results.
*Aldermen: Alden Padilla Díaz, Liliana Uriarte Delgado de Montenegro, María Ysabel Alvarez Huatay, Marlon Montalvo García, Reyna Mendoza Castro.
*Mayor: Fernando Eamon Valera Abanto.
Tourist Attractions
Chongoyape is the birthplace of the famous song "La Chongoyapana" composed by professor and poet Arthur Schutt Saco. He was amazed at the beauty of Zoraida Leguía, who was the granddaughter of former Peru president Augusto B. Leguia. Saco wrote the song in 1902. Hace algún tiempo que te enamoro, Chongoyapana; pero mi llanto, ni mis suspiros tu pecho ablandan. Como las piedras del racarumi es dura tu alma para este pobre que te ha venido siguiendo, ingrata... Sé que tus ojos abrasadores miran con ansias. al venturoso que te desdeña y a quien tu amas. Pero ¡no importa! Yo también tengo quien me idolatre, quien por mi pena, por mi suspira y aun vierte lagrimas... Tiene ojos verdes, cabellos rubios y tez de nácar. Y sus sonrisas son las canciones de la esperanza. Con que así mira no me desdeñes, niña simpática; porque aburrido tal vez me ahorque de tu ventana. Y entonces el vulgo diría al verte, cuando pasares; Ahí va la niña de faz de cielo cuyo amor mata.
Chongoyape is also known for their sweetbreads. One of their special sweetbreads is called “Chongoyape”. Also, since Chongoyape belongs to the region of Lambayeque, they are known for a pastry called King Kong. This delicacy is made with the same old methods and provided by the Valera family. Another dish Chongoyape is known for is shurumbo, a soup made with green banana, cassava, beans and pork. This plate is traditional in Chongoyape.