
Chivito is, in Argentina, a type of goat dish, and in Uruguay, a type of sandwich made from beef.

Argentinian grilled meat

In Argentina, Chivito is the grilled meat of a young goat eaten in Argentina, sometimes as part of an asado. Chivito differs from cabrito in that chivito is a slightly older animal with whose meat is less tender. A chivito has already begun to eat solid foods, whereas the cabrito is still a suckling.
The chivito is less gamey and has a more delicate flavour than the adult goat. It can be cooked a la parrilla or a la cruz. In the chivito a la cruz, the chivito is affixed vertically to a cross which is driven into the ground near the fire, giving it a special flavour.
Every summer, a Chivito Festival is held in the town of Malargüe in the province of Mendoza, Argentina.

Uruguayan sandwich

Chivito is also the name of the Uruguayan sandwich made with beef, not goat. This sandwich comes in many varieties and is very popular in Uruguay. It can be served with egg, bacon, ham, lettuce, tomato, onions, mayonnaise and many other ingredients.
The Daily Meal included the chivito in their article "12 Life-Changing Sandwiches You've Never Heard Of".