Chelsea Quinn Yarbro bibliography

This is a list of fiction works by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, who was awarded a 2009 Bram Stoker Award for Lifetime Achievement for her work up to that point in time. Quinn Yarbro has published under her name and under the pseudonyms of Quinn Fawcett, Trystam Kith, Terry Nelson Bonner, Camille Gabor, and Vanessa Pryor. Quinn Yarbro has also written non-fiction history works under the name of T. C. F. Hopkins.

Fiction as Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Books are listed in alphabetical order by series, followed by standalone novels, collections, and short stories.

Charles Spotted Moon (mystery series)

  1. Ogilvie, Tallant & Moon
  2. Music When Sweet Voices Die
  3. Poison Fruit
  4. Cat's Claw

    Chesterton Holte, Gentleman Haunt (historical mystery/ghost series)

  5. Haunting Investigation
  6. Living Spectres
  7. Shining Phantoms
  8. Book #4

    Crisis of Empire (science fiction series)

  1. The Law in Charity
  2. Charity, Colorado
  3. The Changes in Charity

    The Saint-Germain Cycle (historical horror series)

Atta Olivia Clemens

  1. A Flame in Byzantium
  2. Crusader's Torch
  3. A Candle For D'Artagnan

    Count of Saint-Germain

  4. Hôtel Transylvania
  5. The Palace
  6. Blood Games
  7. Path of the Eclipse
  8. Tempting Fate
  9. The Saint-Germain Chronicles
  10. Darker Jewels
  11. Better In The Dark
  12. Mansions of Darkness
  13. Writ in Blood
  14. Blood Roses
  15. Communion Blood
  16. Come Twilight
  17. A Feast in Exile
  18. Night Blooming
  19. Midnight Harvest
  20. Dark of the Sun
  21. States of Grace
  22. Roman Dusk
  23. Borne in Blood
  24. Saint-Germain: Memoirs
  25. A Dangerous Climate
  26. Burning Shadows
  27. An Embarrassment of Riches
  28. Commedia della Morte
  29. Night Pilgrims
  30. Sustenance
  31. Forgotten Gods
  32. Orphans of Memory

    Count of Saint-Germain short fiction

  1. Kelene: The Angry Angel
  2. Fenice: The Soul of an Angel
  3. Zhameni: The Angel of Death


The Harriers

  1. Of War and Codes and Honor
  2. Down Among the Dead Men

    Short fiction

The Michael books

The Vildecaz Talents (fantasy series)

  1. Nimuar's Loss
  2. Deceptive Oracle
  3. Agnith's Promise

    As Quinn Fawcett

Ian Fleming books (historical thriller series)

  1. Against the Brotherhood
  2. Embassy Row
  3. The Flying Scotsman
  4. The Scottish Ploy

    As T.C.F. Hopkins

Trouble in the Night (horror series)

  1. A Cold Summer Night
  2. A Bright Winter Sun