Charles Bémont

Charles Bémont, French scholar, was born in Paris.


In 1884 he graduated with two theses, one on Simon de Montfort translated as Simon de Montfort: Earl of Leicester, 1208-1265, without the thesis' appendices of historical documents, and La Condamnation de Jean Sansterre. His Les Chartes des libertés anglaises has an introduction upon the history of Magna Carta, etc., and his history of medieval Europe, written in collaboration with Gabriel Monod, was translated into English, as .
He was also responsible for the continuation of the Gascon Rolls, the publication of which had been begun by Francisque Michel in 1885. He received the honorary degree of Litt. Doc. at Oxford in 1909. He was made a corresponding member of the British Academy in 1914.
A street in Croissy-sur-Seine commemorates him.