Chak village

Chak and is a village in Bahraich district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is 6 km west of Fakharpur and 21 km south of district headquarters Bahraich. This village is under Ramgadhi Panchayat Police Station Baundi Development Block Tajwapur Tehsil Mahsi. and Chak village is 114 km from Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh. The village is administered by the village headman, who is an elected representative.
Chak village is a rural area. The people here are farmers who mainly do agricultural work. Paddy, wheat, sugarcane and mustard are Yield is high in this area.


Chak Elevation 126 meters above sea level. Coordinates


Nearby villages Molhe purwa, Badhin purwa, Tarapur, Kurmin purwa, Thakuran Tarapur, Chamaran purwa, Nakdilpur, tiwaripurwa, Maila saraiya Telin purwa Navvan Purwa, Behad, Behad Chauraha,



and Bakra Eid is the main festival here as the village has a majority population of the Muslim community. And Holi and Diwali are also celebrated with great enthusiasm.

The origin of the name

The name Chak is derived from Awadhi language. The fields in Uttar Pradesh are also called Chak. It has been heard from some older people. That there was formerly dense forest in place of Chak village. Some Muslims lived near the same forest like Bhagu Ansari and his son Salabat Ansari and a Thakur Sahab. But that village had no name. When Chanda Ansari and his brother Karia Ansari came to that village, they came from Kakori village in Lucknow district. So that Thakur Saheb said that Chanda Bhai, build your house in this chak Chanda Ansari made her home in that chak. Since then the name of that village was to Chak.


There is a Hindi medium government school in this village. Whose name is. He is located near the house of Wajid Ali Ansari in the northeast of the village. And the other one is a private madrasa. Which is located near the mosque in the middle of the village.


There is no hospital in this village. At a distance of 2 km from here, a Government Hospital Primary Health Care Center is located in Khaira Bazar. And another primary health center is located in Pathak Patti village, which is 2.5 kilometers away. And there is a block level government hospital in Rampurwa chowki village, 12 km away, where women delivery facilities are available. Apart from this, 21 km from here the district hospital is in Bahraich city. There are many more private hospitals in Bahraich. Such as Interior India Mission Hospital, Sitapur Eye Hospital, Kedia Hospital, Saira Hospital, CMSD STORE BAHRAICH, Noor Hospital, Mahesh poly clinic, Khalsa nursing home, Sanjivani hospital, Neeraj hospital, Buddha hospital, Chhaya maternity home & heart clinic, Awadh nursing home, Sakuntla poly clinic, Raj hospital, Bhartia seva hospital, Nova hospital, Malian hospital & research center pvt Ltd, Siddharth hospital, Sangam hospital, Dr.M.M.Arshi,