The Group contributes to the harmonisation of academic programs, the sharing of experiences, and collaboration in international relations. A key stakeholder in corporate development, the Écoles Centrales Group has established a reputation as a global reference point in the education of the generalist engineers of tomorrow. With about 6,000 graduate engineer students and 800 PhD doctorate students, a total faculty of 700 permanent academic members, 2200 part-time lecturers and associate professors, 450 technical and administrative staff, 2000 researchers, the Ecoles Centrales Group annually approves hundreds of PhD doctorate dissertations and grants 1500 Centrale graduate engineering degrees and other master's degrees. Already more than 35,000 Centrale alumni are active today in business, entrepreneurship, research & development, and management in small and large industries worldwide.
Based on nearly two centuries of recognized Centrale educational know-how in France, the Ecoles Centrales Group's goal is to promote and implement engineering education with the following characteristics, defined as the Centrale Programme:
multidisciplinary curriculum for engineers, with a broad scope of scientific, engineering and management fields taught to all students applicable for French-speaking students with a solid scientific background knowledge and intellectual agility;
first two years for acquisition of a Centrale common body of knowledges, with core and elective thematic flexibility, and at least one year of in-depth thematic studies at the end of the programme ;
close contact with the industry through joint projects and training periods, and requirements for international exposure ;
academic education and applied research closely related to industry stakeholders ;
The Centrale Programme includes a three or four-year curriculum. Application to the Centrale Programme is possible after two/three year undergraduate studies in other educational institutes. Admission to an école centrale requires success in either:
a French nationwide selective exam with numerus clausus : , with examination centres located throughout France and in Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia;
a selection process as per TIME Overseas double degree procedures applicable for selected universities in Brasil, Canada, Chile, China, Indonesia, Japan, USA ;
a specific application process for other international students presented by their originating University.
Thus undergraduate studies + the Centralien Programme account for more than a cumulated 300 ECTS credit in the European education system. Admission to the master's degree programme is possible upon application assessment based on academic criteria or is possible as a part of the Centralien Programme. Several master's degrees are available from the different écoles centrales and may be taught in English and/or French, targeting diverse science and engineering domains :
Admission to specialized master's degree programmes for master's-level specialization and continuing education in specific engineering and management fields is possible upon application assessment based on candidate profile. :fr:Mastère spécialisé|MS taught in French include :
Research labs
PhD candidates and visiting researchers should contact directly their preferred labs among 38 different research labs of the Ecoles Centrales. CARNOT Institute affiliations :
CentraleSupélec labs are a member of CARNOT C3S Institute.