Mo rùn geal òg

"Mo rùn geal òg", alternately known as "Cumha do dh'Uilleam Siseal" is a Scottish Gaelic lament written by Christina Fergusson for her husband, William Chisholm of Strathglass, who was killed at the Battle of Culloden in 1746.
Fergusson was possibly born in Contin, Ross-shire. She was married to William Chisholm, who was a smith, armourer and standard bearer for the Chief of Clan Chisholm. Chisholm was killed at the Battle of Culloden in 1746. In his memory, Ferguson wrote Mo Rùn Geal Òg. In the poem, Christina rebukes Prince Charles Edward Stuart, saying that the loss of her husband in fighting for his cause has left her desolate.
A roadside memorial marks the site of Chisholm and Ferguson's cottage, near Struy in Strathglass.
The song has been performed by several notable singers, including Flora MacNeil, Mary Ann Kennedy, and Anne Lorne Gillies.