
Cartosat-2E is an Earth observation satellite developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation, and is the seventh in the Cartosat series. It is designed to collect high-resolution, large-scale imagery for use in urban planning, infrastructure development, utilities planning, and traffic management.
The satellite was launched on 23 June 2017, along with NIUSAT and 29 other satellites, aboard a PSLV-XL rocket from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre First Launch Pad. With a mass of, it is deployed into a Sun-synchronous orbit for a five-year primary mission. India has allocated for the project.


Cartosat-2E carries two primary instruments: the Panchromatic Camera and the High-Resolution Multi-Spectral radiometer. PAN is capable of taking panchromatic photographs in a selected portion of the visible and near-infrared spectrum at a resolution of. HRMX is a four-channel radiometer sensitive across the entire visible spectrum and part of the near-infrared spectrum at a resolution of.