Carrie Murray Nature Center

Carrie Murray Nature Center is operated by Baltimore City Recreation and Parks. CMNC offers environmental education programs for children, families, and adults as Baltimore City's only nature center. A native live animal collection, outdoor bird aviary, and indoor exhibits support the center's environmental education programs. School field trips, nature camps, public programs, and community events take place at CMNC in the expansive and historic Gwynns Falls Leakin Park.
It was named after Carrie Murray, mother of former Baltimore Orioles star and hall-of-famer Eddie Murray.
Wild Haven forest immersion programs are offered for young children ages 3–5 in the Gwynns Falls Leakin Park, which is Wild Haven's pilot site within the Baltimore City Recreation and Parks. Monica Wiedel-Lubinski, Monica French, and Mepi Neill are the founding directors of Wild Haven.

Animal theft

During the weekend of November 13–14, 2010, some animals, including mostly exotic reptiles and a Madagascar hissing cockroach, were stolen from the nature center in a burglary. Security was beefed up following the attack. The animals were all recovered alive on November 16 from a house near the center.