Carpina is a city in Pernambuco, Brazil. Its economy is based on commerce and footwear industry. Its current mayor is Manoel Botafogo.
- State - Pernambuco
- Region - Zona da mata Pernambucana
- Boundaries - Tracunhaém, Buenos Aires and Nazaré da Mata ; Lagoa do Itaenga and Lagoa do Carro ; Limoeiro ; Paudalho
- Area - 146.1 km2
- Elevation - 184 m
- Hydrography - Capibaribe and Goiana rivers
- Vegetation - Subcaducifólia forest
- Climate - Hot tropical and humid
- Annual average temperature - 23.3 c
- Distance to Recife - 50 km
Economic indicators
Economy by Sector2006
Primary sector | Secondary sector | Service sector |
4.43% | 21.07% | 74.50% |
Health indicators
HDI | Hospitals | Hospitals beds | Children's Mortality every 1000 |
0.724 | 2 | 99 | 15.2 |