Carlos Andrés Segovia y Corral, 2nd Marquis of Salobreña is a Spanishnobleman and academic specialising in philosophy and religious studies. He is a reader in religious studies at Saint Louis University in Madrid, Spain. While over the pastten years he has mostly worked on late-antique religion, his current research focuses instead on contemporary philosophy at the crossroads of religious studies and anthropological theory along three intersecting axes: the analysis of capitalism’s religious matrix and semiotic structure, and of its counter-figures, against the background of today’s cosmopolitical crisis, in dialogue with the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari; the study of extra-modern, especially animist, ontologies, and the subsequent revision of conceptual production in the social sciences and the humanities vis-à-vis today’s hegemonic regimes of power/knowledge, in dialogue with the work of Lévi-Strauss; and the post-nihilist rethinking of dwellingness and, thereby, of the differences between earth, world, and unworld, in dialogue with both Heidegger’s late philosophy and non-religious Greek views on the sacred. He is also series co-editor of Apocalypticism: Cross-disciplinary Explorations at Peter Lang. He is the author of numerous scholarly books and articles, including the monographs Immanence and the Sacred,The Quranic Noah and the Making of the Islamic Prophet: A Study of Intertextuality and Religious Identity Formation in Late Antiquity, and The Quranic Jesus: A New Interpretation; the edited volumeRemapping Emergent Islam: Texts, Social Settings, and Ideological Trajectories; and articles like "Spinoza as Savage Thought," "Post-Heideggerian Drifts: From Object-Oriented-Ontology Worldlessness to Post-Nihilist Worldings," and "The New Animism: Experimental, Isomeric, Liminal, and Chaosmic"; plus he writes regularly on philosophy on He is the youngest child of the celebrated classical guitarist Andrés Segovia, the first Marquis of Salobreña.