Carlo Burton

Carlo Burton is a film producer, director, actor, screenwriter, and cinematographer. He is a member of the Screen Actors Guild, the Directors Guild of America and a signatory producer at both Guilds.

Some Film Contributions

In 1992, Carlo Burton aka Charles Evans Jr. DGA/SAG bought the rights to the life story of "Glasnost Gangster" Andrey Kuznetzov who was murdered eight months earlier in Los Angeles. Subsequently, Charles Evans Jr. was repped by ICM from April 22, 1992 to April 22, 1994 in a one project producer/writer deal concerning the life of Andrey Kuznetsov and "the infiltration by ex-KGB'ers into the U.S. mob scene. "
Carlo Burton aka Charles Evans Jr. DGA/SAG directed and financed a film called "Portrait of Eve" written by Arthur V. Lowen.
Carlo Burton aka Charles Evans Jr. DGA/SAG also produced a film called "The Trophy", Acting by Elie Travis of "Dead Air".
Carlo Burton aka Charles Evans Jr. DGA/SAG also produces/directs documentaries. Featured in the New Mexico Film Festival, "Space Travelers" "focuses on legendary aerospace pioneer and designer Burt Rutan as he tries to take space flight into the next generation. George Takei from the original "Star Trek" series narrates."

Film History


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narrated by George Takei