Canon de 105 mle 1913 Schneider

The Canon de 105 mle 1913 Schneider was a French artillery piece used in World War I and World War II by many European countries.


In the early 1900s, the French company Schneider began a collaboration with the Russian company Putilov. For this collaboration, it had developed a gun using the Russian 107 mm round, which was ordered by the Russian Army to be produced in Russia. Schneider then decided to modify the design for the French 105 mm round and offer it to France as well. Initially, the French army was not interested in this weapon as they already had plenty of 75 mm field guns. However, in 1913, the French army purchased a small number under the designation Canon de 105 mle 1913 Schneider; it was also known by the service designation L 13 S.
The lighter 75 mm guns were of limited use against trenches; so, once the western front in World War I had settled down to trench warfare, the French army ordered large numbers of the L 13 S, which, with its larger 15.74 kg shell, was more effective against fortified positions and had a range of.
After the end of World War I, France sold or gave many Schneider 105 mm guns to various other countries, including Belgium, Italy, Poland, and Yugoslavia. In Italy, the 105 mm was re-designated the Cannone da 105/28 and saw service until 1943. Guns were also produced under license in Italy, starting from September 1914, by Ansaldo. Poland also used new model of Schneider's gun with a longer barrel and split trail, called the wz. 29, which was in fact a completely different weapon; both were in service at the beginning of WW II in 1939. In 1939 Poland had 118 of wz. 13 guns and 124 of wz. 29 guns, used in Heavy Artillery Detachments.
The German conquests of Poland, Belgium, France, and Yugoslavia during World War II gave them large numbers of captured 105 mm Schneider guns. 854 L 13 S's were in service in France and a large number were captured. Many of these were installed in the Atlantic Wall system of coastal defenses.
Finland was able to buy 12 of these guns from France during the Winter War; they also rebarreled six Russian 107mm Schnieders to 105mm. In addition, they were able to purchase 54 captured Polish Armata 105 mm wz. 29 Schneider guns from Germany.
During WW1, Russian army abandoned 36 pieces in Romania which were put into service in two artillery independent battalions.


Because the gun was used by many countries, it had many official designations.