Cannonball (British game show)

Cannonball is a British game show, hosted by Andrew "Freddie" Flintoff with Frankie Bridge, Radzi Chinyanganya, Ryan Hand and Maya Jama as poolside reporters, which first aired on 2 September 2017 on ITV. The show features 24 contestants of all ages taking on four games in a bid to win gold, silver and bronze medals. The top three contestants with the most medals go through to the final to play for the Cannonball Cup. Flintoff is the main presenter and narrator, whilst Bridge, Chinyanganya, Hand and Jama are down by the games speaking to the contestants.


The format for the show is a franchise that originated in the Netherlands by Talpa, which has also been produced in Australia. The British version started filming in Valletta, Malta from late April 2017.

Qualifying rounds

The final is split into three rounds:



U.S. version

An American version of Cannonball was announced for a mid-2020 broadcast on USA Network for 10 episodes. It will be hosted by WWE wrestler The Miz and former Entertainment Tonight correspondent Rocsi Diaz with comedian Simon Gibson as sideline reporter.


Sam Wollaston for The Guardian gave it a positive review saying "ITV's new water-park show may lack the sophistication of BBC's Total Wipeout – but when it comes to stripping people of their dignity, it wins hands down."