Canada's Worst Driver 11

Canada's Worst Driver 11 was the eleventh season of the Canadian reality TV show Canada's Worst Driver, which aired on the Discovery Channel. As with previous years, eight people, nominated by their family or friends, enter the Driver Rehabilitation Centre to improve their driving skills. This season, however, nine people entered the Driver Rehabilitation Centre to improve their driving skills. The focus of this season was on High-Speed Driving. This year, the Driver Rehabilitation Centre is located at the Dunnville Airport in Dunnville, Ontario for the sixth straight season. The initial drive started in Cayuga, Ontario and the final road test occurred in Hamilton, Ontario.


This season features nine contestants, up from the eight featured in Canada's Worst Driver 10:

Episode 1: Ready, Set, Go!

While Jillian seems the obvious frontrunner to graduate, as she passed every single challenge this episode, she tells the panel that she'd prefer to stay in rehab in order to get more confidence, as she still feels unable to face driving in public. Tina and Alex both express the desire to graduate and the panel note that both are clearly capable of driving well, but have doubts over their attitudes. The remaining drivers all admit that they should stay in rehab. Tim votes that Tina should graduate based on her overall better performance in the episode, while Philippe prefers graduating Alex, pointing to Tina's angry, defensive reaction when the panel initially confronted her on her attitude toward driving. Shyamala sides with Tim and Cam with Philippe, leaving Andrew with the deciding vote. In the end, Andrew makes a shock decision and decides that both are equally worthy of graduating, making this the first episode to have a double-graduation since Jodi Slobodesky and Sean McConnell in the penultimate episode of Canada's Worst Driver 2. Before they leave, however, Andrew gives Alex a cardboard cut-out of his grandmother, Pearl, to ensure that he always drives as if she's with him and also confiscates the "If you don't like my driving, f*** off" sign from Tina's car.
When she meets with the experts, Polly admits to having zoned out during the Swerve and Avoid and Cam informs her of a recent incident where a 66-year-old woman was jailed after hitting and killing two children when she accidentally hit the gas instead of the brakes in a parking lot. Jordan says that his glasses are proving a major help, while Sholom admits that he lucked out in actually getting a driving license. Shmuel initially wants to graduate, but quickly retracts his request after being shown footage of his performance on the Swerve and Avoid. Jillian and Renee both say they don't want to graduate, but Cameron does feel he's learned enough to graduate. The experts quickly agree that Cameron is the overwhelmingly obvious choice to graduate, seeing as how he passed every challenge this episode. Andrew questions the other experts as to whether or not they'd be better not graduating anyone and making Cameron stick around a little longer to fully prove himself, but they ultimately decide that this is not necessary, thus making Cameron the season's third graduate.
In her meeting with the experts, Jillian admits that it took her a lot of effort not to yell at Mitchell and that doing so is cathartic to her, but Andrew reminds her that she simply can't continue to do this. Jordan thinks he's learned enough to graduate, as does Shmuel, while the remaining drivers admit that they have a lot more to learn. Despite Jordan's request and also some minor reservations as to whether Jillian should remain in rehab when her problems aren't directly related to her driving skills, Andrew and all four experts agree without hesitation that Shmuel is the obvious choice to graduate, as he passed every challenge this episode, but despite becoming the season's fourth graduate, Shmuel instead steps back and staying as Sholom's nominator, a first for the series.

Episode 5: Slip And Crash

Despite the generally very poor performances of everyone in this episode, with only three challenge passes in total, Jordan and Polly put themselves forward to graduate. Jillian, meanwhile, admits that she should be forced to take more challenges by herself in order to build up her confidence. While the experts consider Jillian the best overall of the remaining drivers, her failure to pass a challenge this episode and admitting to still having confidence issues rules her out as a feasible candidate for graduation. Jordan and Polly are shortlisted simply because they were the only people who wanted to graduate and Jordan receives the half-hearted backing of Shyamala and Cam, while Philippe and Tim just as unenthusiastically support Polly. On further discussion, it's pointed out that Jordan quit the trailer challenge and performed disastrously in the Icy Corner, while Polly had a similarly disastrous run in the reversing challenge and overall seems a much less attentive driver than Jordan. In the end, the experts agree that no one did well enough to be seriously considered for graduation, meaning that the episode ends with nobody leaving rehab.

Episode 6: Soaked And Wet

In her meeting with the experts, Jillian admits that she's still not ready to face the roads, although she is also confident that she is not Canada's Worst Driver. Sholom also admits that he's nowhere near ready to graduate, as does Polly, who asks for the same public lessons that Jillian and Renee have been getting. Renee wants to graduate, though admits that she doesn't quite feel confident enough to take her son on the highway and wants to get used to doing it herself first, which perturbs the experts. Jordan also wants to graduate, feeling beyond any doubt that he is ready to drive in public again; Cam also compliments him on the huge improvement he's shown in his previously selfish attitude. Andrew and Shyamala favour graduating Jordan for being more confident in himself, while Cam and Tim feel that Renee deserves to graduate for her superior technical abilities; Philippe is therefore left with the deciding vote. At the graduation ceremony, Andrew tells Renee that while there was a strong case to be made for letting her go this episode, she ultimately talked herself out of graduating by admitting that she lacked the confidence to take her son on the highway. Jordan is therefore this episode's graduate and he vows to never again be as blatantly selfish as he was before coming to rehab.

Episode 7: Easy as Pie

Renee admits to the experts that they did the right thing by denying her graduation in the last episode and that she now has the confidence to take her son on the highway. Sholom immediately admits that he deserves to be in the final, as does Polly, albeit slightly more reluctantly. Jillian, meanwhile, reiterates her request to stay in rehab for the final episode, believing that if she can complete the road test without anyone else in the car, it'll prove once and for all that she's capable of driving every day. With the agreement between Jillian and Andrew that she will take part in the final road test and Polly and Sholom ruled out as serious contenders for graduation due to their all-around dreadful performances this episode, the experts immediately come to the obvious decision and make Renee this season's penultimate graduate, ensuring that, for the seventh year in a row, there will not be an all-female finale.
Note: This episode did not display an opening title screen or broadcast the opening animation.

Episode 8: The Checkered Flag

In their final meeting with the experts, the three remaining drivers are asked whether they are Canada's Worst Driver; Sholom admits that he probably is, Jillian attempts to evade the question before saying that she isn't, while Polly angrily says she's not the worst, but that she is a terrible driver. The experts find themselves in the biggest quandary of the season, if not ever—Sholom, who everyone expected to be the worst after the Forward and Reverse Slalom, is actually the one person who all the experts agree isn't Canada's Worst Driver, as he had the best road test and is the most aware of his limitations as a driver. As for the remaining two, however, while Polly is generally agreed to be an overall worse driver than Jillian, the fact remains that Jillian wasn't even able to attempt the final road drive. Shyamala and Philippe feel that Polly's obliviousness makes her the worst driver, while Andrew and Cam are worried that Jillian's panic attacks are a bigger liability than Polly's obliviousness, once again leaving Tim with the deciding vote. The final three drivers assemble for the trophy presentation and Andrew announces that Sholom has avoided being named the worst, simply because he wasn't as bad as Polly in the challenges and completed his road test. However, his generally very poor track record means that he leaves without graduating, as he passed just one challenge during his time on the show, the Reverse Flick, making him the first third-place driver ever to not graduate,, though Andrew tells him that, given more experience and education, he can probably someday become a competent driver. This, therefore, leaves Jillian and Polly as the final two. After Sholom leaves, Andrew regretfully makes the announcement that, in the end, Jillian was judged to be Canada's Worst Driver, something Jillian reacts angrily to, denying that she's worse than Polly, but Andrew says that Polly completed the final road test, while Jillian didn't and that every other driver who failed to finish the road test was named the worst of their season. Andrew returns Polly's license to her and asks Jeff to drive her home, saying that she barely avoided the title and still recommends that she give up driving. Jillian is presented with the trophy, the only consolation being that she's felt to have more of a chance of eventually becoming a competent driver than Polly does and that, despite the outcome, her relationship with Mitchell has been improved by the experience, to the point they would get married several months later.