Camp Kinder Ring

Camp Kinder Ring is a Jewish summer camp located in Hopewell Junction, New York. It is run by The Workmen's Circle.


Kinder Ring was founded in 1927 by The Workmen's Circle/Arbeter Ring. Camp Kinder Ring has many families who have been attending for up to four generations. The camp offers campers a wide array of activities such as sports, arts and crafts, and lake activities while also educating them about Jewish traditions and culture.
The camp is broken down into boys side and girls side, with each having its own distinct set of staff. There are head counselors and assistant head counselors for both girls and boys. There are then 8 divisions, each led by a groupleader. The groupleader has a staff of counselors, typically between 3 and 6 strong.
Camp Kinder Ring is a nonprofit 501. Camp Kinder Ring is accredited by the American Camp Association.


Kinder Ring's traditions include July 4 carnival, KR of the Week/Year, Maccabean Games, Olympics, Torchbearer, Behind the Scenes, all-whites shtiller ovnt to celebrate the Friday evening advent of the sabbath, and the setting of candles onto Sylvan Lake symbolizing the end of another summer. Other traditions include popular Jewish singers like Rick Recht. New traditions are created every year.
;Maccabean Games
Maccabean Games, or Mac Games, are held every year in the first half of the summer. Campers are split into two teams named after important and influential Jews in history. Over the course of 4 days, campers compete against one another. The emphasis of Mac Games is team spirit, teamwork, and fun, rather than winning.
Olympics are held every year in the second half of the summer. Campers are split into teams named for two countries. Over the course of 4 days, campers compete against one another. As always, emphasis is based on team spirit, teamwork, and fun, rather than winning. Olympics hold the most famous events in camp, the Rope Burn, the Decathlon and the Triathlon.
This KR tradition was started in 1971. It is known as the greatest honor one can receive at Kinder Ring, showing one's love and dedication to Camp Kinder Ring. During the Opening Ceremonies for Olympics, past Torchbearers come back to camp to help pass on the honor. Every summer a Torchbearer is named before the entire camp and lights the Olympic flame, as in the real Olympics.

Notable alumni