CRAFT (aviation)

In aviation, CRAFT is a mnemonic for the essential elements of a clearance under instrument flight rules.


CRAFT stands for:
Consider the following example of an IFR clearance:
In this example, the clearance limit is Las Vegas Airport. The route is the HOLTZ7 Standard Instrument Departure, with a transition fix at the Daggett VOR, and the rest of the route is as filed in the flight plan. The flight should climb to and maintain 5000 feet initially, and further clearance to FL330 may be expected ten minutes after departure. The frequency to which the crew should tune after departure is 124.50 MHz, and the transponder should be set to 6562 before departure. There is no void time in this example.
Note: This example is typical in the United States; phraseology may vary in other countries, although the essential elements remain the same. For example, European controllers do not generally specify altitudes or the departure frequency as part of the clearance.