Bureaus of the Cortes Generales

The Bureaus of the Cortes Generales are the governing bodies of each House of the Cortes Generales, the legislative branch of Spain. The Bureaus are made up of the President or Speaker of the House, the Vice Presidents or Deputy Speakers and the Secretaries. Each Bureau is autonomously regulated by the standing orders of its House and its composition its not the same.
In the constitutive session of the Cortes Generales, both Bureaus are replaced by Age Bureaus, a temporary body composed by the oldest member of the House which acts as Acting Speaker and two secretaries which are the youngest members of the House. This Age Bureaus oversee the electoral process of the Permanent Bureaus. The Bureaus members are elected among and by the members of the Houses by means of secret ballot and ensuring political plurality.



The Speakers or Presidents of the respective House and are the supreme authority within its Chamber and they chair the Chamber's Bureau.

Deputy Speakers

The Deputy Speakers or Vice Presidents are numbered and they deputize, in order of precedence, for the Speaker. This shall happen in cases of vacancy, absence or impossibility of the latter.


The Secretaries supervise and authorize, with the approval of the Speaker, the Minutes of the Plenary sessions, of the Bureau and of the Board of Spokespersons, as well as the certifications that have to be issued, they assist the Speaker in the sessions to ensure order in the debates and the correction in the votes; they collaborate in the normal development of the works of their House according to the provisions of the Speaker; and they also exercise any other functions entrusted to them by the Speaker or the Bureau.


The Spanish Senate is the upper house of the Cortes Generales and its standing orders were passed on 3 May 1994 and they have been modified at least twenty times.
According to the current regulation, the Bureau acts under the authority and direction of the Speaker. The Senate Bureau must to be elected in the constitutive session and it is composed by the President of the Senate, two Vice Presidents and two Secretaries.
The functions of the Bureau of the Senate are :

SpeakerPilar Llop Socialist Party
First Deputy SpeakerCristina Narbona Socialist Party
Second Deputy SpeakerPío García-Escudero People's Party
First SecretaryFrancisco Manuel Fajardo Socialist Party
Second SecretaryImanol Landa EAJ-PNV
Third SecretaryRafael Hernando People's Party
Fourth SecretaryCristina Ayala People's Party

Congress of Deputies

The Congress of Deputies is the lower house of the Cortes Generales and its standing orders were passed on 24 February 1982 and they have been modified at least twelve times.
According to the current regulation, the Bureau of the Congress is directed and coordinated by the Speaker of the Congress of Deputies. Because of the large size of the Congress compared to the Senate, the Bureau of the Congress is composed by the Speaker of the Congress, acting as chairperson, four Deputy Speakers and four Secretaries.
The functions of the Bureau of the Congress of Deputies are :

SpeakerMeritxell Batet Socialist Party
First Deputy SpeakerAlfonso Rodríguez Socialist Party
Second Deputy SpeakerAna Pastor People's Party
Third Deputy SpeakerGloria Elizo Unidas Podemos
Fourth Deputy SpeakerIgnacio Gil Lázaro Vox
First SecretaryGerardo Pisarello En Comú Podem
Second SecretarySofía Hernanz Socialist Party
Third SecretaryJavier Sánchez Serna Unidas Podemos
Fourth SecretaryAdolfo Suárez People's Party

Other bureaus

Each House of the Cortes Generales has their own Committees and at the same time this committees are governed by their own Bureau. As a general rule, both Senate Committees and Congressional Committees and are composed by a Chairperson, two Deputy Chairpersons and two Secretaries all of them elected from the committee members.
There are some exceptions where the chairperson of some committees is not elected. This is the case for the Rules Committee of each House which is chaired by the Speaker of the House and the General Committee for the Autonomous Communities in the Senate, which is chaired by the Senate Speaker.