To the northeast the ridge is bounded by the Buchenbach valley. At its northeastern edge, on the sides of the valley are the villages of Lehnenberg, Spechtshof and Reichenbach. To the east, at open field system of Roter Stich, the Buocher Höhe is linked to the Berglen region by the saddle between Hößlinswart in the north and Rohrbronn in the south. To the south the ridge drops into the Rems valley towards Geradstetten and Grunbach, the so-called Remshalde ; on the hillside is the Gundelsbach stream and the Ziegenberg. In the woods there are the open field systems of Hohe Straße, Marschallhölzle, Brand, Glockenholz and Eichenwald. To the southwest are the settlements of Groß- and Kleinheppach with the Kleinheppacher Kopf hill. The Hanweiler Saddle separates the Buocher Höhe from the Korber Kopf and Hohreusch. Towards Winnenden the Buocher Höhe descends via the "Großer Roßberg" hill via the terrace of Breuningsweiler, "Haselstein", Kleinen Roßberg and Stöckach. The agricultural parts of the Buocher Höhe include the clearances of the Remshalden village of Buoch, the terrace of Breuningsweiler and the scattered orchards of Lehnenberg, Spechtshof and Reichenbach.
Landscape and nature
The Buocher Höhe includes the entire sequence of the Keuper, its surface covered by the youngest stratum of the Jurassic, the Angulaten Sandstone. The clearances around Buoch correspond very closely to the occurrence of this calcareous Angulaten Sandstone, because it supports arable farming. Below this thin layer lies Rhätsandstein, which was formerly milled into blotting sand for the drying of ink. The old quarry has been filled.
Among the hills, high points and spurs of the Buocher Höhe and its perimeter are the following:
Kleinheppacher Kopf, north-northeast of Kleinheppach
Hörnleskopf, east of Korb
Ziegenberg, west of Gundelsbach
Rossberg, south-southeast of Winnenden
Stöckach, southeast of Winnenden
Nature reserves
Since 4 November 1968 the Buocher Höhe, together with the Zipfelbach valley, the Korber Kopf, the Rems valley hillsides, the Ramsbach valley and the Grafenberg have been declared as a protected landscape with an area of 2,150 hectares. The regulation issued by the Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart on 18 May 2009 declared the region of the Upper Zipfelbach Valley with Side Klingen and Parts of the Sonnenberg Hill as a nature reserve. It has an area of 41.6 hectares and is designated as reserve number 1275. The largest areas are maintained by the NABU branch at Winnenden, which has also published information on the region.
Hansmartin Decker-Hauff. Buoch durch die Jahrhunderte. Buocher Hefte, Vol. 1, 1983..
Eugen Bellon: Zur Siedlungs- und Weinbaugeschichte im Raum Waiblingen-Winterbach. Natur-Rems-Murr-Verlag, 1992..
Manfred Hennecke: Die Buocher Höhe. Definition, Abgrenzung, Beschreibung und Ökologie. Buocher Hefte, Vol. 30, 2010..
Manfred Hennecke: Buoch durch die Jahrhunderte - Indiziensuche für die älteste Besiedlung. Buocher Hefte, Vol. 32, 2012..
NABU Winnenden : Das Obere Zipfelbachtal. Verlag M. Hennecke, Remshalden, 2007,.