Bukitan people

Bukitan is a small tribe living in the state of Sarawak, Malaysia and East Kalimantan of Indonesia. They are found in Bintulu district of Sarawak. Not many of these people are left due to intermarriages with other tribes, adopting Iban people agricultural practices and way of life.


The origin of the Bukitan is from Palin, Kalimantan. They moved into Sarawak via Lubok Antu and settled there in the 19th century. Then, in came the Ibans from Kapuas, a powerful headhunting tribe at that time, attacking them and chasing them out of their homeland.
They fled to Saribas which is what is now in the Betong Division. There, they settled and built their community. During those years, they co-existed with the Ibans, after a peace sealed by the marriage of the daughter of their leader Entinggi to the son of the Iban chief Tindin.
After many years, due to some misunderstandings, war broke out with the Ibans and they lost. They again fled to various places before settling in Sungai Merit, a tributary of Batang Tatau river in Bintulu division and its vicinity until today.
Evidence of Bukitan existence can be found in areas such as the Saribas and Lubok Antu in the form of burial grounds, name of places and ancient orchards.

Notable people