Brevet d'État d'éducateur sportif

Brevet d'Etat d'éducateur sportif" . It requires the applicant to be an adult and the holder of the diploma Prévention et secours civiques de niveau 1


The formation leading to the obtention of the BEES is composed of a common section all sport instructor follow regardless of their future sector, and a specific section.
The common section, which is the one all candidates go through, whether they aim to coach in skying, horse riding or surfing, is an examination on their general sportive knowledge. The specific section is focused on the sports the coach is aiming to teach. It requires a high level in the practice of the chosen sport.
The BEES is divided into 3 levels:
The preparation for the diploma is assured by public and private organisms, and the formation is licensed by the regional offices of the Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports. They are often conducted in Centres of ressources, expertise and sportive performance.
Created in 2001, the Brevet professionnel de la jeunesse, de l'éducation populaire et du sport is the first step in renovating the diplomas and qualification, in some sports, it replaces the 1st level of the BEES. The diplôme d'État supérieur de la jeunesse, de l’éducation populaire et du sport and the diplôme d'État supérieur de la jeunesse, de l’éducation populaire et du sport , created in 2006, replace the 2nd level of the BEES in these sports, as well as the diplôme d'État relatif aux fonctions d'animation and the diplôme d'État de directeur de projet d'animation et de développement . In some sports, like underwater diving, the renovation of the formation is still ongoing: while the BP and DE have been created the first DEJEPS in diving are awarded in 2013, the DES of the sport isn't implemented yet.