Bori, Parbhani

Bori is a village in Jintur taluka of Parbhani district in Maharashtra state of India.


Bori has total 2534 families residing. The Bori village has population of 13,438 of which 6,919 are males while 6,519 are females as per Population Census 2011. It is the largest gram panchayat of Parbhani district with 17 members.
Average Sex Ratio of Bori village is 942 which is higher than Maharashtra state average of 929.
Bori village has lower literacy rate compared to Maharashtra. In 2011, literacy rate of Bori village was 74.93% compared to 82.34% of Maharashtra. In Bori Male literacy stands at 83.35% while female literacy rate was 66.17%.
Schedule Caste constitutes 15.25% while Schedule Tribe were 0.83% of total population in Bori village.


Bori is located towards north from district headquarters Parbhani, and towards south from Jintur. It is from state capital Mumbai.
Bori is surrounded by Manwat taluka towards west, Parbhani taluka towards south, Sailu taluka towards west, Aundha Nagnath taluka towards east. It is on state highway and has easy connectivity to Parbhani, and Jintur.
Nearest railway stations to Bori include Parbhani, and Manwat road


Bori comes under Parbhani for Indian general elections and current member of Parliament representing this constituency is Sanjay Haribhau Jadhav of Shiv Sena.
Bori comes under Jintur for assembly elections of Maharashtra. Current representative from this constituency in Maharashtra state assembly is Vijay Manikrao Bhamale of Nationalist Congress Party.
As per constitution of India and Panchyati Raaj Act, Bori village is administrated by Sarpanch who is elected representative of a village. The current representative from this constituency is Mr. Sakharam Shimple of Nationalist Congress Party.

