Border dog Alyi

Border dog Alyi is a 1979 Soviet drama film directed by Yuliy Fait and based on the short story Alyi written by Yury Iosifovich Koval.


Lyosha Koshkin really wanted to serve on the border and get an official dog. A dream come true: he was Lad Camp, where he got a wonderful dog, Lyosha Koshkin really wanted to serve on the border and get an official dog. A dream come true: he was Lad Camp, where he got a wonderful dog East-European Shepherd.


Filming took place in parts of the Red Banners Central Asian border district. Participated in the shooting guards 71st Bakharden border detachment, School service dog in Dushanbe, the airmen of the 23rd Dushanbe aviation squadron Soviet Border Troops.