Border Security Force is one of the special units of Border Security Force of India. It is responsible for patrolling riverine borders in North Bengal frontier, South Bengal frontier, Andaman Nicobar frontier, Tripura - Mizoram & Cachar Frontier, Jammu frontier, Punjab frontier and Gujarat frontier of the BSF. The Water Wing guards around 1399 km of a riverine boundary of India. its members are filled either by deputation basis or from special batches of BSF personal trained in National Inland Navigating Institute, Patna.
National Inland Navigation Institute PATNA is setup by Inland Waterways Authority of India to develop human resource for Inland Water Transport sector. It is a sole academy of its type set up by IWAI working under Ministry of Shipping. The institute trains the manpower for manning, operating inland vessels and to the IWAI staff for development of waterways and for repair and maintenance of vessels. the insitiute also train the personal of bsf water wing in inland shipping and navigation. NINI also conduct its intake exam once round the year at all India basis, held under IWAI Noida. it trains cadets for six months to provide fresh employment in the inland water sector. The training conforms to syllabus promulgated by the state water transport department as per Inland vessel Act 1917 for obtaining respective certificate of competency. Personnel trained at NINI works on board Inland vessels owned by Government, Public, and Private sector on deck and in engine room depending upon their training, qualification, stream they have chosen during intake and certification acquired by them. The institute arranges professional development courses on hydrographic surveying, dredging, repair, maintenance & operations of Inland vessels as well as on river training and morphing. The institute is uniquely positioned to offer a complete spectrum of training in Inland water transport sector. NINI can design company specific courses tailor cut to the requirements of the organization. The institute is ISO 9001:2008 certified by American Bureau of Shipping and international quality certifying authority. The institute is approved by Director at General of Shipping for conduct of NCV preparatory course for NWKO certification of Competency and Basic Safety Courses. The institute is also approved by Directorate General of Shipping to conduct Radar Observer Simulator Course, Automatic Radar Plotting Aid, Ship Maneuvering Simulator Course and Electronic Chart Display and Information System course and STCW 2010. The academy is managed by on behalf of IWAI. So far academy has provided a great amount of manpower to our inland waterway and had done its job satisfactory.
List of watercrafts in Border Security Force (Water Wing)